English Corner

Is It True that the Monas Tower Will Moved to Kalimantan?

Senin, 23 September 2024, 17:55 WIB
Dibaca 51
Is It True that the Monas Tower Will Moved to Kalimantan?
Picture of Monas Tower at night



Is It True That the Monas Tower Will Be Moved to Kalimantan? Let's Go to Facts!

Recently, surprising news has been circulating-the moving of Monumen Nasional or Monas Tower to Kalimantan. Is this true? Let's go to facts.

The Monas Tower is a historical icon and a sign of national pride for Indonesia, and there are no plans to relocate it to Kalimantan. This probably is the evolution of the rumor due to some misunderstanding of the announced plan of the government to move the capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan. While there is going to be a relocation of the government center to the new capital, Monas, a great monument in Jakarta, is not part of this plan.

Well, in fact, Monas will remain in Jakarta to witness the history of the nation. Let us be critical and wise when we receive information; always cross check facts.