
Is Joining a Technical School a Calling Or an Escape?

Senin, 23 September 2024, 18:02 WIB
Dibaca 55
Is Joining a Technical School a Calling Or an Escape?
Confused, a calling or an escape?

One frequent question that many have when contemplating entering a Theological Seminary: is this a calling or an escape? The answer cannot be easily derived because everyone has his or her reasons for taking up the path of theology.

Some indeed come into STT because of a calling. According to them, God guides them to serve through teaching, pastoral work, or missionary efforts. It is usually a well-prayed decision, based on deep conviction-a desire for deepening faith and commitment to theological knowledge as a way of service to the Church and society. For those who feel called, joining STT is most definitely taking one step toward the fulfillment of the mission in life, which must be well worthy of their meaning and purpose.

Yet, not everyone has joined STT out of a clear calling. In other cases, individuals may enter STT as an escape route from life's problems or stresses. For one reason or another, some feel they have no alternative but to find themselves in distressing situations that are emotional, financial, or professional. In certain instances, family or social pressures-rather than a deep personal drive-may influence the choice to take up STT.

If the entrance into STT is to escape, then the academic and spiritual journey may not be satisfying at all. Without powerful motivation and a clear direction in their action, they may feel mentally lost on the way, at a loss as to what they really want to do. It will breed disappointment or frustration.

It is important that one reflects genuinely on whether entering STT is a calling or an escape. One must ask oneself very seriously why he or she wants to study theology and what is expected from the study. Is it because of faith in God's calling, or just because they do not know where to go?

STT entry should therefore be made with an open heart, together with firm intentions of service. Seminary education in theology is not only knowledge but also a very important and meaningful spiritual journey. For those who genuinely feel called, it is a major step toward a future of blessings and important contributions to the church and the community.